Thursday, January 26, 2017

Depression and Dreams- Blog Change

I suffer greatly from severe depression and also from anxiety. So to help myself cope and keep moving forward I'd like to incorporate my mental illness along with my dreams. I was going to create a separate blog but I would like to be able to show all sides of myself, the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep in mind, that personally I believe the best way for me to help myself and also whoever else might read this, is to be brutally honest and to allow myself to be very imperfect. Especially at the beginning.

One small step at a time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What is an Enlightened Millionaire

For me, this is someone who has great wealth but doesn’t let the materialist life affect their true self. An enlightened millionaire cares about the well-beings of others and aspires to help others reach their goals, whether it be financially, spiritually, career wise or even in their relationships. An enlightened millionaire also spends much of their time assisting those without resources. They give more than they take. They do not sit on the sidelines of their charity; they are front and center. An enlightened millionaire is a powerful leader guided by spirituality or the desire to help others.